Genes, Organisms, Populations
Robert N Brandon and 1 more
Not Available
Using Computers
Raymond S Nickerson
Robert Stalnaker
Change in View
Gilbert Princeton University Harman
The Intentional Stance
Daniel C Professor and 1 more
Minimal Rationality
Christopher Cherniak
Meaning and Mental Representation
Robert Cummins
Hubert L Dreyfus
The Science of the Mind
Owen Flanagan
Connectionist Symbol Processing
G E Hinton
Bayes or Bust?
John Earman
The Revision Theory of Truth
Anil University of Pittsburgh Gupta and 1 more
In Stock
£23.40 £26.00
Protocol Analysis
K Anders Florida State Univ Ericsson and 1 more
How to Set Parameters
David W Professor and 1 more
£20.25 £22.50
George F University of Delaware Schueler
Pride and a Daily Marathon
Jonathan Cole and 1 more
Sketches of Thought
Vinod Professor of Cognitive Neuroscience and 1 more
Janet Columbia University Metcalfe
£27.00 £30.00
Dimensions of Creativity
Margaret A Research Professor of Cognitive Science and 1 more
Cognition in the Wild
Edwin Hutchins
Mind Design II
John Haugeland
Readings on Colour. Vol. 2 Science of Colour
Alex Byrne and 1 more
Neural Organization
Michael A University Professor and 3 more
Mind Readings
Paul Thagard
Space from Zeno to Einstein
Nick Huggett
Species of Mind
Colin Indiana University Allen and 1 more
Brain, Vision, Memory
Charles G Professor Gross
Semantics, Tense, and Time
Peter Ludlow
The Computational Beauty of Nature
Gary William Flake
The Mind Within the Net
Manfred Spitzer
Pulsed Neural Networks
Wolfgang Maass and 1 more
The Origins of Music
Nils L Wallin
The MIT Encyclopedia of the Cognitive Sciences (MITECS)
Robert A Wilson and 1 more
I of the Vortex
R Llinás
The Cognitive Animal
Marc Bekoff and 2 more
Neurotechnology for Biomimetic Robots
Joseph Professor of Biology and 1 more
£12.59 £13.99
The Dream Drugstore
J Allan Hobson
Form and Function in the Brain and Spinal Cord
Stephen G Professor and 2 more
£40.50 £45.00
The Man Who Tasted Shapes
Richard E Doctor Cytowic and 1 more
The High Price of Materialism
Tim Kasser
£20.70 £23.00
Conceptual Spaces
Peter Lund University Gärdenfors
Reasoning About Knowledge
Ronald Fagin
The Big Book of Concepts
Gregory L Murphy
Advice for a Young Investigator
Santiago Ramón y Cajal
£22.50 £25.00
Decisions, Uncertainty, and the Brain
Paul W Glimcher
Temporarily Out Of Stock
£29.70 £33.00
There's Something About Mary
Peter Ludlow and 2 more
The Mathematics of Marriage
John Mordechai Gottman
Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation
Vincent University College London Walsh and 2 more
£7.19 £7.99
Semantic Cognition
Timothy T Lawrence Livermore Lab Rogers and 2 more
£36.00 £40.00
The Rational Imagination
Ruth M J Byrne
Economic Theory and Cognitive Science
Don Ross
£25.20 £28.00
Consciousness, Function, and Representation
Ned New York University Block
Moral Psychology
Walter SinnottArmstrong
Sweet Anticipation
David Brian Huron
From Molecule to Metaphor
Jerome A Feldman
Mark Bedau and 1 more
James A Anderson and 1 more
On the Origins of Cognitive Science
JeanPierre Dupuy
Rediscovering Empathy
Karsten R Stueber
A History of Modern Experimental Psychology
George University of California and 1 more
The Harmonic Mind
Paul Johns Hopkins University Smolensky and 1 more
Streetlights and Shadows
Gary A Klein
Feeling Pain and Being in Pain
Nikola Grahek and 2 more
The New Science of the Mind
Mark J Professor of Philosophy and 1 more
Language, Music, and Mind
Diana Raffman
The Bodhisattva's Brain
£16.19 £17.99
John Stewart and 2 more
Walter Duke University SinnottArmstrong
An Introduction to the Event-Related Potential Technique
Steven J Luck
Tiffany Field
£18.90 £21.00
The Myth of the Intuitive
Max Deutsch
Thinking Things Through
Clark N Glymour
Metaphor in Context
Josef Stern
Walter SinnottArmstrong and 8 more
Todd D Nelson