Genes, Organisms, Populations
Robert N Brandon and 1 more
Not Available
Using Computers
Raymond S Nickerson
Robert Stalnaker
Change in View
Gilbert Princeton University Harman
The Intentional Stance
Daniel C Professor and 1 more
Meaning and Mental Representation
Robert Cummins
Hubert L Dreyfus
In Stock
£43.20 £48.00
The Science of the Mind
Owen Flanagan
Connectionist Symbol Processing
G E Hinton
Bayes or Bust?
John Earman
Neural Networks and Natural Intelligence
Stephen Grossberg
The Revision Theory of Truth
Anil University of Pittsburgh Gupta and 1 more
Print on Demand / Special Order
£23.40 £26.00
Protocol Analysis
K Anders Florida State Univ Ericsson and 1 more
How to Set Parameters
David W Professor and 1 more
Auditory Scene Analysis
Albert S Bregman
George F University of Delaware Schueler
£20.25 £22.50
Sketches of Thought
Vinod Professor of Cognitive Neuroscience and 1 more
Janet Columbia University Metcalfe
£27.00 £30.00
Dimensions of Creativity
Margaret A Research Professor of Cognitive Science and 1 more
Mind Design II
John Haugeland
Neural Organization
Michael A University Professor and 3 more
Neural Smithing
Russell Reed and 1 more
Space from Zeno to Einstein
Nick Huggett
Vision Science
Stephen E Palmer
Species of Mind
Colin Indiana University Allen and 1 more
Brain, Vision, Memory
Charles G Professor Gross
Semantics, Tense, and Time
Peter Ludlow
Through the Rearview Mirror
John Macnamara
The Computational Beauty of Nature
Gary William Flake
The Mind Within the Net
Manfred Spitzer
Sex and Cognition
Doreen Kimura
Computational Explorations in Cognitive Neuroscience
Randall C OReilly and 1 more
The Origins of Music
Nils L Wallin
The MIT Encyclopedia of the Cognitive Sciences (MITECS)
Robert A Wilson and 1 more
Dynamics in Action
Alicia Juarrero
I of the Vortex
R Llinás
Neurotechnology for Biomimetic Robots
Joseph Professor of Biology and 1 more
The Dream Drugstore
J Allan Hobson
Patricia S Churchland
Form and Function in the Brain and Spinal Cord
Stephen G Professor and 2 more
The Man Who Tasted Shapes
Richard E Doctor Cytowic and 1 more
The High Price of Materialism
Tim Kasser
Conceptual Spaces
Peter Lund University Gärdenfors
Reasoning About Knowledge
Ronald Fagin
The Big Book of Concepts
Gregory L Murphy
Advice for a Young Investigator
Santiago Ramón y Cajal
£22.50 £25.00
Being No One
Thomas Metzinger
Decisions, Uncertainty, and the Brain
Paul W Glimcher
Temporarily Out Of Stock
£29.70 £33.00
There's Something About Mary
Peter Ludlow and 2 more
The Mathematics of Marriage
John Mordechai Gottman
Critical Resistance
David Couzens Hoy
Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation
Vincent University College London Walsh and 2 more
£7.19 £7.99
Semantic Cognition
Timothy T Lawrence Livermore Lab Rogers and 2 more
£36.00 £40.00
Adapting Minds
David J Buller
Good and Real
Gary L Drescher
The Rational Imagination
Ruth M J Byrne
Consciousness, Function, and Representation
Ned New York University Block
Moral Psychology
Walter SinnottArmstrong
Sweet Anticipation
David Brian Huron
Heidegger's Topology
Jeff Malpas
Subjectivity and Selfhood
Dan Zahavi
James A Anderson and 1 more
On the Origins of Cognitive Science
JeanPierre Dupuy
A History of Modern Experimental Psychology
George University of California and 1 more
The Harmonic Mind
Paul Johns Hopkins University Smolensky and 1 more
Radical Embodied Cognitive Science
Anthony Chemero
Streetlights and Shadows
Gary A Klein
Feeling Pain and Being in Pain
Nikola Grahek and 2 more
The New Science of the Mind
Mark J Professor of Philosophy and 1 more
The Bodhisattva's Brain
£16.19 £17.99
Walter Duke University SinnottArmstrong
Tiffany Field
£18.90 £21.00
The Myth of the Intuitive
Max Deutsch
Metaphor in Context
Josef Stern
Language Acquisition
Maria Teresa Guasti
Walter SinnottArmstrong and 8 more
Todd D Nelson